"I came here for you..."

The world was a blur of mixed emotions, like a complicated bar mixer. As she trekked through the darkening forest and to the safety of her car, she could feel the weight of what she'd experienced start to fall like heavy snow. She felt drained. Emotionally, physically, and magically. It was as if being in that house had literally sucked away her life force, and she was only hanging by a delicate thread of energy.

The town blurred by with unfocused noise and light as she left the abandoned lot and drove straight for home. Convinced the moment she'd set foot in the door, she would pack up her boxes, load them up, and make the long drive home where she'd be able to remain in the safety of her overly protective family's embrace.

Hope had even contemplated where she last saw the boxing tape as she pulled into her driveway. On the kitchen counter, right? She shifted her car's gear into park and stared blankly ahead, her mind beginning to process her jumbled feelings but dismissed the task immediately, her head throbbing from the effort. Maybe a bottle of wine would cure her of the tortured screams that bounced against her skull.

It wasn't until she stepped out of the car and a fresh breeze struck her face that a familiar sensation entered her chest. Her eyes were set on her front door, frozen as she felt that tug in her chest. It was so strong and wasn't fading as it had earlier in the woods. Thump-thump, thump-thump. Her whole body seemed to throb, much like her dreams. But, oh, God, what was on the other side of that door?

Being pulled by some unknown force, she began to walk. Her heart was pounding wildly against her ribcage, making breathing difficult. The door cracked open by an inch, and she could hear distinct heartbeats inside her house. More than one..two..three. What if-? She glanced behind her, eyes searching up and down the silent street for the green pickup truck. Nothing. No more hesitating, Hope. Just do it! She slammed against the door with her palm and stood in the doorway, fists clenched, ready to fight.

Stiles and Scott stood in the center of her living room. Hope huffed an annoyed breath, then paused. What about the third heartbeat? She hadn't just imagined it. "Are you serious? Two nights in a row, Stiles?" She asked in bewilderment.

"Hey!" Stiles exclaimed suddenly, his usually bubbled personality harsh and irritated. "You had us driving in circles for hours, alright? We thought we were losing our minds. Right now is not a time for you to be pissed at us, Voodoo Queen."

Shit, she thought, she'd forgotten all about the little spell she'd cast over them and their Jeep. No wonder he was in such a sour mood. She pursed her lips into a thin line and shut the door behind her, debating her next move. She couldn't talk her way out of this without digging herself into a deeper hole. Compulsion? Yes, that could work—powerful compulsion.

"I'm sorry for this, Stiles..." she said, taking a step forward and then paused. An involuntary shiver ran down her spine, feeling another instinctual tug. It wanted to guide her towards the stairs that ascended into darkness. But why? What was so important up there that couldn't be dealt with later?

Everything else around her faded. It was as though sounds and colors were muted all around her, and all she could focus on was the throbbing heartbeat on the second floor—the third heartbeat. Hope began to climb the stairs, feeling as if it were a lifetime before she made it to the top landing. She knew where to go, but that didn't mean she wasn't fearful. Was it her death that waited for her so patiently? She felt detached from reality as she walked down the hallway and stopped in the middle of the doorway to her bedroom. Her breath caught in her throat.

In the grim glow of her bedroom window stood a tall, broad man with the appearance of a ghastly apparition. His back faced her, but she knew it was the exact figure she saw in the tree line from her window nook. The beat of his heart and hers thudded in her ears, tangling together in a rhythmic pattern.

This throbbing desire seemed to grow as she watched the figure slowly turn and face her. Yes, it was a man, a very handsome man. With chiseled features that sloped in every pleasing way and radiant blue eyes that glowed so intensely, she could feel her knees start to wobble. His jet-black hair. His physique. His...scent. It sent her spiraling down a pit of sexual desire she never knew existed. Hope had the sudden instinct to submit to him. To- she paused as she began to unravel the mystery that had been haunting her for so long.

"Oh no..." she murmured as the puzzle pieces began to click into place. She now recognized the scent. A male wolf, obviously from a strong bloodline, and she had an intense sexual desire for him. In her world, her wolf culture, the women would go into heat as natural wolves did. They would pair up with their mates and try to conceive. Hope was plenty old enough to have children, and it seemed her instincts wanted her body to bear the child of the man in front of her. This stranger. "Hell no," she exclaimed as she fully comprehended what her instincts had been in search of. Not just some sexual fantasy, but for this male to impregnate her. That was so sick! Yes, he was probably strong and would lead to a strong child, but the idea of it was revolting. How could she possibly go through with something like that? No, that was not happening. No, the universe could screw itself.

The man spoke then, his voice low and serious. "Who are you." It was less of a question, and more of a demand.

Hope didn't answer for a long moment, and when she did, she said, "I think I'm going to be sick..." her face was pale and her skin damp. She felt as if she might vomit. She placed a hand on her forehead, vision beginning to close in by fuzzy darkness. It was suddenly difficult to breathe. Was she blacking out? She'd never passed out before in her life, yet she had to grab ahold of the door jam for support as she sank to her knees. What happened after that, she wasn't entirely sure. She could feel strong arms around her and soon the cushion of her bed underneath, but the rest was a blank memory.

"I think she's starting to wake up," came a voice through Hope's clouded hearing, gradually coming into focus. She knew it was Stiles, and she was still lying in her bed. "What did you inject her with again? I mean, is it supposed to last this long?"

"I don't know," Scott said, "Dr. Deaton said it was vervain. It worked on her, so that's all that matters, right?"

"Yeah, unless she's pissed at us when she wakes up and this room ends up being the scene of a gruesome murder. I don't know how vampires work, okay? All I know is I don't want her anywhere near me or my neck."

"Shut up." Another voice came, one she didn't recognize, but she knew it belonged to him. She shuddered as she slowly opened her eyes and blinked, surprised to see the sun was now up, sending dusty rays across her room. How long had she been out?

Hope's gaze immediately fell on him, silent as she had been before. What should she say? Hi, I just traveled halfway across the country. Let's have hot wolf sex because my instincts tell me I should have your child. But, somehow, she had a feeling that wouldn't quite roll off the tongue for her.

Instead, she said, "Which one of you gave me vervain?"

Stiles quickly pointed at Scott.

Hope started to sit up and nodded. "Smart," she said, her head aching from the after-effects of the vervain. She would need blood to cure her symptoms. Hope began to stand, but when she did, large hands suddenly gripped her shoulders and pushed her back down onto the edge of her bed. Glancing up, she met his stare. He was now inches in front of her. She could practically taste his lips. They were so close.

"Why did you come to Beacon Hills?" he asked, his intense eyes now holding the color green, not blue as she remembered.

Hope swallowed hard and spoke before she could think. "I came here for you...." Their gazes locked. Her words sounded foolish in her mind, but they were the truth. The question was, would he believe her?