Thirteen Discovery! Chase and kill aliens!

The entire chat channel instantly fell silent.

No one spoke for a long time.

At this moment, everyone could see that the level 1 mutant beast was too powerful.

The level 2 powerhouse is completely unbeatable in front of it!

"It's not right! I just went to look and big brother Qin Feng is ranked fifth."

"Huh! That's true!"

After a while, someone else bubbled in the chat area.

When people saw this, they switched into the list channel.

Qin Feng's heart moved and also switched into the list channel .....

[Novice Village Level Ranking #911]

The first place: Liu Xuan, level 3.

Second place: Long Shan, level 2.

Third place: Wu Yong, level 2.

Fourth place: Yu Wen, level 2

Fifth place: Qin Feng, level 2

Sixth place: Gu Ming, level 2

Seventh place: Lei Jue, level 2


Tenth place, Liu Yuan, level 2 .....


He is really the fourth place, that Liu Yuan fell to the tenth place.

Qin Feng muttered in his heart.


Why did someone just say that he was 11th place?

By the way, those people only went to check his ranking after the announcement came out.

But then, he killed five grassland gray wolves in a row, and his ranking shot up again by a large margin.

It only took a few minutes before and after that, those people didn't find out.

Thinking about this, Qin Feng's mind dawned on him.

After that, he switched into the chat channel again, and there was an astonishment inside.

"My God! Big Brother Qin Feng is really ranked fifth."

"That's fast! Five minutes ago, I saw that he was still 11th, and in the blink of an eye, he's 5th!"

"Yes! Big Brother Qin Feng is so awesome!"

At this moment, Lei Jue's avatar jumped a little.

He also started to speak.

Lei Jue: "After all this, Qin Feng is ranked higher than Liu Yuan! Then again, how could the first kill of a fierce beast that could gain reputation be any weaker?"

Lei Jue: "Some people said that the level 1 mutated beasts were not that strong, that's really funny!"

This was said in a mocking manner, clearly talking about Liu Yuan.

There was some tension in the comment section.

No matter what, Liu Yuan is also a level 2 powerhouse, a top 10 ranked existence.

No one dares to talk nonsense.

In this world full of killing and uncontrolled, it was not wise to offend the strongest.

However, Lei Jue was the seventh ranked existence, higher than Liu Yuan's ranking.

He was not afraid of Liu Yuan at all.

Liu Yuan naturally saw Lei Jue's words.

However, he did not reply, but quietly disappeared.

Now that the matter had come to this point, where could he still have the face to stay in the chat channel.

The chat channel was awkward for a while, with not much being said.

Just when the crowd felt the atmosphere was awkward, another person's avatar jumped.

"Brothers, my Boss Liu is dead, three of my teammates are also dead, only I am left alone to escape, woo~! Woo~!"

"Huh! Upstairs, you're from Liu Yun Chang's group?"

"Yes! Our group was almost completely wiped out, if not for my speed talent, I would have died too. Woo! Woo!"

"Oh my god! The tusked boar is so terrifying! The five of you, a level 2 powerhouse plus four level 1s, even if you can't beat a level 1 mutant beast, you can't get out in one piece?"

"Upstairs, you don't know how terrifying the tusked boar is. That guy's strength is even more terrifying than a level 2 vicious beast!"

"My God! It's stronger than even a level 2 beast!"

"Hiss~! This is too terrifying!"

The crowd was in awe.

The survivor added: "Everyone, I'm alone now, and my arm is injured, so I'm in a panic! Is there a team that still needs someone? Come and take me with you! Whoops!"

"What's your location? Is the fanged boar near you?"

"I'm forty miles south of the novice village. The tusked boar is not far away. However, it didn't come after me. This big guy, are you coming to bring me here?"

"No! I just want to know the location of the tusked boar so I can try to avoid it!"

". ........"


A group of people expressed speechlessness.

Qin Feng, however, his eyes lit up.

In the chat log, the survivor had revealed the location of the tusked boar.

It seemed that his chance had come!

The tusked boar was a level 1 mutated beast.

Killing it, he could gain energy again and extract attributes at the same time.

What's more, the energy provided by the mutated fierce beast was two or three times that of an ordinary fierce beast.

What's more, the tusked boar had killed four humans.

As long as Qin Feng found the tusked boar, he would be able to find those four corpses.

Then he would be able to extract some new talents again.

Thinking of this, Qin Feng got excited and hurriedly headed in the direction where the tusked boar was ........

At the same moment, at the border of the Novice Plains, by a river bank.

A fierce battle had just taken place here.

An ugly-looking giant frog was hacked to death on the spot, blood and green juice, flowing all over the ground.

The air was filled with a thick smell of blood.

That giant frog was a level 2 fierce beast.

At this moment, there were three people standing next to the giant frog's corpse, each with an arrogant look.

One of them was Liu Xuan, the only person who had awakened a C-rank talent this time.

He is also the first strong person to break through to level 3 in the novice village.

To Liu Xuan's left, stood a man with a masculine figure.

His name is Wu Yong, and he was a professional boxer on the Blue Star.

After coming to this killing world, he awakened the D-rank talent - Power Frenzy.

To Liu Xuan's right, stood a big fat man of about 300 pounds, still carrying a huge shield of one person's height in his left hand.

His name is Long Shan, and he was a professional sumo wrestler on the Blue Star.

After coming to this killing world, he awakened the D-rank talent - physical madness.

All three of them are the best in the novice village.

With their strong combination, they were the strongest group among all the groups, and their upgrade speed was extremely fast.

Today, Liu Xuan is ranked first on the ranking list.

Long Shan was ranked second and Wu Yong was ranked third.

"The energy provided by this level 2 vicious beast is much more than a level 1 vicious beast!"

At this moment, Liu Xuan looked at the giant frog corpse next to his feet and revealed a satisfied smile.

Wu Yong nodded: "Yes! I just got 14 points of energy, now I'm level 2 (276/300), just need to kill two more ferocious beasts, then I can go up to level 3. By the way, Dragon Mountain, what is your progress?"

"I'm level 2 (291/300)!"

"Crap~! Long Shan, you only need to kill one more ferocious beast and you'll be able to rise to level 3. This time, the second place silver treasure chest for the newbie upgrade reward is yours!"

Long Shan laughed: "That's not necessarily true! There are people outside of people, and there is a heaven outside of heaven!"

As he said that, he opened the list channel.

With this look, he was stunned.

"Crap~! Ten minutes ago, Qin Feng was ranked eleventh. In such a short while, he's already ranked fifth!"


Liu Xuan and Wu Yong were both shocked and hurriedly checked the ranking.

This look, the two stunned.

"Crap~! This Qin Feng upgrades quickly ah!"

"Not much more to say! Kill the monsters! Kill the monsters! Let's kill the monsters and upgrade! Don't let this guy catch up!"

This time, the three people had a sense of urgency and left in a hurry ......

But on the other hand, Qin Feng, according to the address in the chat log, rushed in the direction where the tusked boars were found.

With the speed talent, his speed was extremely fast.

Half an hour later, he finally arrived near the tusked boar's infestation.

With his powerful sense of smell, he smelled a faint smell of blood in the air.