Blood Race! The provocation of the night!

At this time, a reminder came from Heaven's Path once again.

[Reminder: During the betting period, the list channels of the two major novice villages, temporarily blocked.]

The chat channel was instantly wailing.

"Crap~! The list channel can not enter ah!"

"Huh! I really can't get in!"

"This way, we won't know who's number one in rank!"

"This is intentional by Heaven's Path, it wants us to panic!"

"Yes! The more unknown it is, the more it makes people panic!"

"Everyone, the first place in our village is Liu Xuan, isn't it? As long as Big Liu Xuan rises to level 5, we'll win!"

"Upstairs is right!"

"That's right! We support Liu Xuan is right!"

Qin Feng saw this and was silent.

The real number one in this village should be him.

Also at this time, Heaven's Path's prompt rang out again.

[Announcement: The two major novice village chat channels are successfully merged, both villagers can enter each other's chat channels, but have no speaking privileges.

[Reminder: In ten minutes, the resource betting will begin. Start countdown to 10:00...9:59...]

The chat channel parallel is completed.

Sure enough, at the bottom right of the Heaven's Path light screen, there was an additional 137th Novice Village chat channel option.

Qin Feng hurriedly switched channels and entered the chat channel of No. 137 Novice Village.

There was already a lot of noise there.

"What the hell! What's going on? Why did our No. 137 Village launch a resource bet against No. 911 Village? Who? Who did this!"

"Gentleman up there, didn't you see the hint? It was done by a man named Edward!"

"Oh! This damn Edward, how could he have initiated this challenge without our consent?!"

"Damn it! If we lose this challenge, we'll be miserable!"

"Oh! I don't want to lose! I hate losing! I'm going to oppose this thing!"

"This gentleman, this challenge is allowed by the heavens, there is nothing you can do to change it!"

"What the hell! This is not cooking! This is not human rights! Why doesn't Tendo give us the votes, why doesn't he let us choose freely!"

"Oh! This damn heavenly way! How can it be like this? I want to protest to Heaven! I'm going to march on Tendo!"

"You fools! Heaven's Way is a being countless times more powerful than God, we are mere ants before it, and you dare to oppose it? This is Heaven's Way's killing world, not our lighthouse country!"

When Qin Feng saw this, he finally understood.

It turned out that this 137th novice village was full of people from the Lighthouse Country on the Blue Star.

It seems that they all don't look too smart.

Up to now, they still haven't figured out their situation.

Speaking of which, novice village number 911, was full of people from the Dragon Country on the Blue Star.

It seemed that Heaven's Path intended to put people from the same country in the same novice village.

"Oh! It's all that damn Edward's fault! Why did he start this challenge?"

"Guys, I just went to the chat channel of Novice Village #911 to check it out, and it turns out that they are all from the Dragon Kingdom!"

"People from the Dragon Kingdom? That big country in the east. They're all skinny and historically known as 'sick men'. If the opponents are them, I will be relieved."

"This gentleman, you should not underestimate the Dragon Kingdom, they may be a bit skinny, but they have an ancient civilization and an extremely high per capita IQ."

"Oh! In this world full of bloodshed and killing, can a smart IQ be compared to a strong body?"

Just then, a sentence popped up in the chat channel, and that Edward finally appeared.

Edward: "Gentlemen! Ladies! I am the noble Baron Edward!"

"Damn you Edward! You finally showed up!"

"Oh! A baron? What the hell is that?"

Edward: "Haha!!! This Baron tells you a secret, I, Edward, am a noble blood."

As soon as those words came out, the whole channel exploded.

"Oh my! So Mr. Edward is a vampire!"

"Vampires have incomparable power, as well as a long life, not comparable to us humans, this killing world is made for them."

"But he is only a baron, which should be the weakest rank in vampires."

"Gentleman upstairs, even the weakest vampire is far stronger than us humans, he will surely be able to rise to level 5 soon and lead us to win this bet!"

"Oh! I get it! Mr. Edward must have deliberately picked on the novice village of the Dragon Kingdom, with their skinny bodies, their basic index must be poor, they can't match us, much less Baron Edward!"

"Oye! Upstairs has a point, we, the 137th novice village, can definitely win this bet!"

Edward: "Gentlemen and ladies, please don't call me a vampire, you should respect me as a noble blood. This time, I will definitely bring you victory!"

"Lord Baron, may I ask what rank progress you have now?"

Edward: "Oh! My lord is now level 4 (370/1200), not too far from level 5."

"What the heck! Baron, you're actually level 4, and I'm only level 1!"

"Oh! Dear Baron, you are so great! That's awesome!"

"Dear Baron! I worship you!"

At this moment, the Lighthouse Nation was overwhelmed with excitement.

"No! Mr. Edward, I will oppose you! I will never vote for you!"

Edward: "Why?"

"Because what you are doing is not Petrified!"

Edward: "Oh! This gentleman, don't you want to win? Don't you want to get more attributes and resources?"

"I want to win, and I want to get more attributes and resources, but I just want to oppose you, it's my freedom!"

Edward: "Even buy karma! A long life has shown me that there is no lack of stupidity in my lighthouse country at any time!"

"Lord Baron, please ignore those fools. You rush to upgrade and bring victory to our 137th novice village!"

Edward: "Gentlemen and ladies, you don't need to be anxious. It's almost dark! Darkness is when we Bloods are at our strongest. At that time, this Lord can single-handedly fight the level 4 ferocious beasts and his upgrade experience will drift up!"

"My God! A level 4 baron can take on a level 4 beast alone! That's awesome!"

"Oh! I've figured it out! Lord Baron, you deliberately chose the time of darkness to launch this bet because the darkness is to your advantage."

Edward: "This gentleman, you are very clever, and you guessed it right. Darkness is my home turf. And I chose novice village number 911 because the number '911' has a special meaning to our lighthouse country!"

"Wow! Lord Baron, you really think far ahead!"

"Lord Baron, we are so happy to have you in Novice Village 137!"

Edward: "Everyone, the betting competition is about to begin. My lord will upload my upgrade progress at any time, so that you can feel the approaching victory at any time!"

"Oh! That's great!"

"God! We would like to feel the glory of the Baron Lord!"

Channel 137 was cheering, as if victory was coming.