The role of prestige, strength soars!

A few moments later, Qin Feng finished extracting those corpses.

With four corpses, plus one mutated beast, he had harvested another 11 attribute points.

Not bad! Not bad!

At this point, the level 3 vicious beasts were all extracted to his full capacity, and there was no need to continue acquiring them.

Thinking of this, he entered the chat channel.

The chat inside was getting hot.

Gu Ming: "First-rank weapons are good! Haha!"

Wu Yong: "Haha! I just traded for a steel blade from Boss Qin Feng, too!"

"Wow! I really envy the two big guys! When will I be able to have a first-rank weapon too!"

Wu Yong: "Upstairs, you work hard to upgrade and hunt more level 4 ferocious beasts, you will naturally be able to exchange it!"

"Big brother, you say simple! Level 4 ferocious beasts are so strong, we level 2, simply do not dare to touch ah!"

"Right, big brother Gu Ming, you just said, resource betting order, you can not use, why?"

Gu Ming: "That token only the highest level of the village, only qualified to use, and is unique, a novice village will only appear once."

When these words came out, the whole room was in an uproar.

"Wow! So that's how it is!"

"Haha!!! Now that the token is in Big Brother Qin Feng's hands, that's just right!"

"Big Brother Qin Feng, when are you going to launch the resource bet?"

"Yes! We are so looking forward to it!"

"Boss Qin Feng, please give us a message!"

At this moment, the chat channel was filled with people looking forward to it.

Seeing this, Qin Feng replied.

Qin Feng: "Everyone take it easy! It's already late at night, I believe many people are mentally exhausted and not in the best condition. Wait until daytime, when everyone has recovered to the best state, we will start betting again!"

When these words came out, the crowd echoed.

"That makes sense!"

"It's still thoughtful of Big Brother Qin Feng!"

"Yes! I've been too sleepy to hold on. Even if there is barbecued meat to eat, that can only restore physical strength, not energy, not rest!"

"Support Boss Qin Feng's decision! Let's prepare well, refresh ourselves, and fight tomorrow during the day!"

"Haha! That's how it should be!"

Seeing the crowd agreeing, Qin Feng smiled.

Unknowingly, he had already established his prestige in Novice Village No. 911, and could be said to have responded to every call.

In fact, his real idea was not to delay because he was sleepy.

With his strong energy, he had long since transcended the realm of mortals, and even if he did not sleep for three days and nights, he would not feel the slightest bit sleepy.

His real idea was to go deeper into the most dangerous level 10 ferocious beast area first before launching a resource bet.

The level 10 ferocious beasts are the most dangerous, and can provide the highest energy value and the fastest upgrade.

He would have the greatest chance of winning!

Waiting for him to enter the level 10 ferocious beast area and then launching the betting match would save him a lot of rush time.

The journey from the level 6 area to the level 10 area was not a short one!

Only, these real thoughts, he was not willing to say out.

Thinking of this, he posted another sentence in the chat area.

Qin Feng: "Everyone, from now on, stop acquiring all level 3 vicious beast corpses, and only acquire level 4 and 5 vicious beast corpses, as well as mutated vicious beast corpses."

"What? Level 3 white fox corpses are also not wanted, huh?"

"Woo! Woo! Big brother Qin Feng, you are so far ahead of the curve, we can't catch up with you at all!"

"Hey! Looks like I have to work hard to upgrade to have the ability to hunt level 4 vicious beasts!"

"Yes! Let's all work hard!"

"Big Brother Qin Feng, I have something special in my hand and would like to exchange 10 catties of roast meat with you."

At this time, a person named Huang Longjing's avatar jumped up.

Qin Feng was curious: "What is it?"

Huang Longjing: "It's some tea leaves! I took it to the Heavenly Dao Trading System for determination, and it was actually judged as a 0-rank resource. I just picked a catty of tea leaves and want to exchange it with you for 10 catties of roasted meat, do you think that's okay?"

"Crap~! Tea is a 0-order resource? I took stones and weeds before and went to the trading channel to determine that they were both unranked resources and were judged to have no trade value."

"Huang Longjing, how do you know which are tea leaves? You don't want to be mistaken and pick some poisonous leaves."

Huang Longjing: "Absolutely no mistake! On the Blue Star, my family grows tea leaves, I recognized it at a glance, just out of curiosity, I picked some, I didn't expect it to be a 0-order resource."

When Qin Feng saw this, he also became curious.

0th-order resources were still of some use.

For example, the novice short knife is a 0-order resource, which still has 2 points of attack power.

How about exchanging it for a pound of tea to see what use it has, there may be a novel discovery.

Today's novice village, not many people have the eye of true vision.

Many people can't identify the resources even if they get them.

And the trading channel, only determine what class it is, not determine the specific role.

Thinking of this, Qin Feng had an idea.

Qin Feng: "Okay! Then let's trade!"

Huang Longjing was overjoyed: "Great! Boss Qin Feng, thank you so much!"

Qin Feng: "Come to the trading channel!"

Huang Longjing: "Okay!"

Soon, the two went into the trading channel and completed the transaction.

A few minutes later, in Qin Feng's storage ring, there was an extra pound of tea.

He took out a bit of tea and put it in the palm of his hand to observe.

That tea was bright green and had a rich aroma.

"Looking at the taste, it is considered to be the best quality of tea. I wonder what effect it has?"

He moved his mind and the Eye of True Sight was activated ....


[Grade]: 0th grade (one of the basic resources of the novice village)

[Efficacy]: Non-toxic, brewed and consumed, it can produce thirst, clear heat and quench fatigue.

"Quench thirst, clear heat and relieve fatigue?"

Qin Feng was curious, so he used a bamboo cup to take a cup of hot water in the stone pot, and then put in a few tea leaves.

A few moments later, the tea fragrance overflowed, refreshing the heart.

He picked up the bamboo cup and took a sip of tea, and felt his mouth full of fragrance.

The next second, the tea into the belly, there is actually generated a clear gas up .....

[Drinking hot tea successfully, energy recovery +1]

[Drinking hot tea successfully, energy recovery +1]

[Drink hot tea successfully, energy recovery +1] [Drink hot tea successfully, energy recovery +1]


"Huh! This is?"

Qin Feng heard a prompt from the Heavenly Dao in his mind.

At the same time, he found that after taking a sip of the tea, it was extraordinarily refreshing.

He originally had some feelings of mental fatigue that were rapidly fading at the moment ...

It turned out that drinking hot tea could eliminate mental fatigue.

Not bad! Not bad!

This is a very useful discovery!

Qin Feng took several sips of hot tea.

Soon, he became very energetic and reached his peak state again.

[Announcement: Novice Qin Feng discovered that drinking hot tea can eliminate mental fatigue as a life skill. As the first discoverer, Qin Feng is awarded 1 reputation point!]

At this moment, Heaven's Path's announcement resounded in the crowd's minds.

The crowd froze.

Qin Feng was also slightly stunned.

But without waiting for the crowd to think more, a new prompt came from Heaven's Path.

[Announcement: Novice Qin Feng's reputation has reached 10 points, and he has obtained the 'Novice Elite' seal and received the blessing of Heaven's Path].

[Announcement: Congratulations to Qin Feng for becoming a novice elite, his strength index increased by 5 points.

[Announcement: Congratulations to Qin Feng for becoming a novice elite, agility index increased by 5 points.]

[Announcement: Congratulations to Qin Feng for becoming a Novice Elite, his Physique Index increased by 5 points.]

[Announcement: Congratulations to Qin Feng for becoming a Novice Elite, his Energy Index increased by 5 points.]

It turns out that reaching a certain level of reputation can also increase strength.

How cool!

Qin Feng was greatly delighted.

The chat channel even exploded completely!

"Tsk!!! Big Brother Qin Feng has gained another 20 points of attributes! Strength has gone up another notch!"

"So prestige has such a great benefit!"

"I'm envious! Really envious!"

"Oh my god! I find that Boss Qin Feng is so relaxed! Everyone is fighting to the death, and he finds it beneficial to eat roast meat one moment, and drink hot tea the next."

"Yes! For those who don't know, they would think he's on vacation!"

"Wow! I'm so envious!"

"I want prestige too! I want to become a newbie elite too! I want to be a newbie elite too! I'm so envious!"

At this moment, the crowd went crazy with envy .....

In that mountain stream, after Qin Feng was elated, he took out the three novice short swords he had acquired.

In just a moment, he transformed the three rank 0 novice short swords into rank 1 exquisite steel swords.

At this point, everything was complete!

"It's time to set off!"

Qin Feng looked away into the night and prepared to leave.

He wanted to get to the Level 10 Ferocious Beast area before dawn.

Tomorrow morning, he was going to open the second resource betting.