Gamers Terms Used in Rise Online

VR: Virtual Reality.

NeuroGear: Equipment used to immerse oneself in virtual reality.

PR (Perfomance Rating): Is the index that measures natural talent and is scanned through the user's NeuroGear.

Agro: Action of attracting the attention of a creature, acting as a decoy.

Alignment: It is the character of a person, the way he acts, basically.

EXP: Experience.

Attributes: A measure of how powerful a user is in terms of strength, intelligence, defense, and other factors, making up the user's overall strength.

HP (Hearth Points): The amount of life points of the player or creature.

MP (Mana Points): The amount of mana points of the player or creature.

Low-level: Someone of low level/low level.

High-level: Someone high-level/many levels.

Smurfs: Someone experienced or High-level who creates a new account to try to stand out among newbies starting out in the game.

Fitness-level: Rise Online's own term used to limit the use of a weapon based on a combination of the game's main physical attributes (Attack, Agility, and Vitality). Adding up the points of these attributes and dividing by three, the final result will be the player's Fitness Level.

Profession: A job or function, fixed or not, that the player accepts to perform to gain quests, money, items, contacts, experience, etc.

Class: The character class defines his play style, his habitability and his skill tree.

Skill Tree: Interface used for the player to unlock the skills of his Class with Class Points.

Class Skills: Unique skills that a player can only unlock if a player has a specific Class. 

Passive Skill: Skill that the user does not need to activate, it will always be active.

Active Skill: Skill that the user needs to activate by shouting, thinking, uttering, muttering, or however the user sees fit.

Inherent Class Skills: The first Class Skill available, the one that you do not need to use Class Points to unlock.

Title Skills: Skills provided by activating the effect of a title.

Profession Skills: Skills gained by practicing a profession. 

Build: The arrangement of stat points and/or gear for your character that will allow you to achieve the best results for your playstyle.

Rating: All items and monsters in Rise Online have a nature/rating, which basically measures how strong a monster is, ignoring level. (Primal

Gank: To be ganked is a term referring to one player being overwhelmed and killed by a large group.

GM: Game Master. GM's are characters in an MMORPG who are used by employees of the game's creator company.