
"Now, towards the Auction House!" Kaizen exclaimed, stretching his fist up high with excitement.

He immediately began walking down the avenue connected to the exit of the town he was in, looking for the place where he would finally find out how much he sold the Mutant Ranked Swift Arrows for. He was looking forward to it, but he had no idea what an auction house would look like. In fact, even in real life, he wouldn't know what that kind of place looked like. Would there be a flashy outdoor, or would it be a hidden place where only restricted people could enter?

Kaizen spent the next 30 minutes walking down the long avenue and found nothing that looked anything similar to a place where people gathered to bid on items. Everywhere there were only clothing stores, jewelry stores, tailors, and flower stores, everything that one would expect to find easily on this side of Holinda.