
After managing to escape the Howling Cliff, Kaizen ran off mounted on his Epic Rank Beast Mount without looking back. 

There was no telling whether the angry players would start a chase or not. 

Any action is possible when it comes to high-level players of an MMORPG game. After all,  everyone used to spend many hours of their days immersed in the game and this was even more real with the players of Rise Online. In this game, leveling up a single level past 20 could take several days, or even weeks, if the player wasn't comfortable taking the risk, and most didn't take it, they would do tactical farming.

However, as the experience with each kill decreased after killing countless monsters of the same kind and type, players who farmed with monsters of the same or higher level, not only gained more XP for the bonus but also became more skilled. Thus, gaps appeared from player to player.