Arena (Part 1)

Kaizen didn't take long to get to the Copper Sturgeon area. 

As described by the potato seller, the neighborhood where this was located was weird. The streets were filled with players of the most varied levels, from beginners to players with levels so high that Kaizen could not even analyze them. The bad smell that permeated the streets was repulsive and nauseating. It was not the smell of piss as Bori claimed, only that it did not smell like the streets and alleys of Holinda either. In fact, it seemed as if there was an open cesspool in front of a fan, spreading the smell of shit all over the area.

Kaizen tried not to be bothered by this and made his way to the Copper Sturgeon. When he got there, as soon as he entered, he was greeted by a strange smell of sweat. 

There was no lobby like in the hotel; only one counter existed.