
"Mister Kaizen, take the keys and feel free to explore the residence. I'll be waiting for you out here." said Verzano as he held out forward the bunch of keys that was just now dangling from his belt.

Kaizen frowned, confused: "You won't be joining us? I thought this was the duty of a broker."

"You are right, but I will not enter this house even during my workday, much less while it is getting dark. People say that everyone who has entered this house has gone crazy within a month..."

"Puft! Don't talk nonsense. Give me the keys, and we will go alone then." The Psyker held out his right hand and the realtor handed him the keys. He then looked at Jayaa and inquired, "You're coming with me, aren't you?"

"S-Sure..!. Fearless is my motto."

Although Jayaa was scared to death, he was not so cowardly as to let his friend enter a haunted house alone. 

"However, you go ahead." Jayaa continued and hid further behind Kaizen.