Royal Palace

As soon as Kaizen arrived at one of the gates of the Royal City, he was very breathless. His skin was glistening with sweat and his breathing was so euphoric that it drew attention.

The players present looked at him strangely, after all, it was unusual to see someone so tired. In fact, absolutely no one was ever so tired as to be in the state Kaizen was in. There were several ways to recover stamina within the game, such as eating and getting some rest, so it would only take a five-minute break for someone to be completely rested.

"What is this guy doing?"

"Does he think he's betting to race against some ghost? HAHA!"

"I wonder if he's not running from some monster?"

"In a low-level area like this region is? Don't talk nonsense, no one would be that bad."

"He could be taking some test or he's just in a hurry."

"He's coming from out of town, so wouldn't it be better to have a horse than to get so tired?"