Knocking on the Door

After visiting the Library of the Magi, Kaizen chose not to explore the Tower of the Magi yet, because there were more pressing things to do. Still, he was very pleased with the end result of his brief trip to the tower, because it earned him a class assignment, a strange scroll with Ancient Runic Language, a complete map of the Tretidian Kingdom, and also knowledge about various subjects.

However, the Wizard's Tower was definitely a mysterious place that he wanted to explore. Many questions lingered in Kaizen's mind, such as who in fact the librarian was, what she was doing in that library, how long she had been there, how many mages were in the tower, and if this place really was a Dungeon.

As Kaizen went through the portal back to the Royal City, he tiredly entered his house, only intending to put his most important items away in a closet.