
"... We are ruling out this region because there is some bloodthirsty beast that lives around here and we don't know what it could be." 

The last words that Narghull said to Kaizen, before the two went their separate ways, left the player a bit thoughtful.

Could that beast mentioned by the leader of the dragon knights be connected with Klank's HP drop? Kaizen didn't want to imagine that this was the case, because at best, Klank could have just been thrown out of the carriage by Yokoso as well and lost more life by falling at high speed.

Kaizen stood thinking about all this as he walked with quick steps to the northern end of the forest, the place where the Ferris' carriage should soon pass. 

This time, he no longer felt that strange feeling of being watched, nor did he hear any more breathing in the forest. Everything was calm and nothing else disturbed him for the rest of the way.