Political Compromise (Part 2)

Inside the Royal Palace, there was a large hall, about a hundred meters long and twenty-five meters wide. 

The hall was covered from floor to wall in a noble type of white marble, and the entire space was lit by dozens of gold lamps. In the center of the hall was a huge fountain with violet petals floating in the water. The interior architecture of the palace was even more luxurious than that of its walls. 

The typical white marble floor ran through all the corridors of the building, which were adorned with carpets, armor, and plants that brought the environment to life. The walls of the nearly one hundred corridors were also decorated with tapestries and works of late.

When the group of soldiers from the New Royal Guard entered the hall, escorting Kaizen. All the other guards protecting the doors and the entrances to other halls slammed their spears into the ground at the same time.