Rewards (Part 2)

Even after accepting the contract with the King, Kaizen could not believe that all this was real. 

It had been so many years searching for this one goal that it was almost unbelievable that the solution was finally found in an unlikely combination of him obtaining the blacksmith's trade precisely from Therkara Ironstone, a ghost of a half-dwarf woman from 200 years ago, the fact that he had opened a store and had helped Ravastine of Leohorn. 

It is also hard to say exactly what were the mathematical chances of King Spelloyal offering a contract like this to a player, considering that he needed to identify the Ironstone mark on Ravastine's sword, that crafting it was Kaizen's decision, and all the other aspects that could also be considered, such as the amount of players in the game, the skills, equipment and abilities of these players to finish the quest, the vastness of Rise Online and so on.