Order of Dalamyr (Part 1)

Although Kaizen tried to ignore for the rest of the day the things said by Linus Farwynn, he couldn't.

Curiosity about who this man who came into his store really was, about how he would find out who Kaizen really is, and what the words 'Order of Dalamyr' meant, took away Kaizen's practically unwavering focus.

Moreover, how was all this connecting to a tavern in Holinda? What was the connection between all this?

Two possible answers appeared in Kaizen's mind as he thought about this.

The first was that somehow all the information that the Royal Family had about Kaizen had leaked out, including what only Ravastine knew, which was that Kaizen was the Psyker.

The second possible answer was that Korgrak, the Leader of the Metallic Dragons Guild, had finally decided to put her mouth on the stand and expose everything she knew about Kaizen in exchange for something.