Fear (Part 2)

All the houses in the ghost village were made of the same kind of wood as the large forest that surrounded it.

The foundation of each of the houses was made of carved stone, and moss covered much of the sides of the houses.

The forgotten look of the place, as well as its total absence of lighting, was clear evidence that no human being had lived there for at least several years.

Since this village was in the middle of a forest with tall trees, the roof of the houses was practically intact, but all the rest of the houses were in ruins, except for the fourth house, which seemed to be completely untouched by the passage of time.

Like Kaizen, Nairo also sensed that there was something in the fourth house, but she didn't say anything to him. Instead, she looked at Kaizen to check if he had already noticed it, and when she realized that he was already looking at the house in question, she smiled and said:

"Come on. It's time to get to work."