[Bonus chapter] Stranger Recognition

The archery scores of the boys in room 25 were surprising, to say the least. Three of them managed to score over twenty points in the very first exercise, but this score was used not only to determine who was the best among them, but also to determine who would be the leader of the room.

Since Andrew A. McClelland came in first, he was declared the leader. Since Klaus came in second, he was the vice-leader, the one who would take the lead when the leader was absent.

Klaus was happy with the title of Vice Leader. Although he didn't like taking orders from strangers, Andrew didn't seem to be the authoritarian type. Besides, Klaus didn't want the unnecessary attention of being the leader of something until he at least had some friends, and he also didn't want his roommates to come to him all the time, as that would be annoying, so he would be fine with having Andrew as the leader of the room.