
Kaizen walked cautiously through the forest, stepping carefully on the roots and branches that crossed his path.

All the trees around him were tall and leafy, forming a green canopy that filtered the sunlight and cast dark shadows on the ground. The air in the forest was hot and humid, making him sweat even without walking very fast.

Kaizen had no experience in walking through tropical forests, and it showed in his movements. He often strayed from the path he had traced in his mind, curious about the sounds and movements of the forest.

Sometimes he would stop to watch an animal or plant for a few seconds, amazed at the exuberance of nature around him.

As he walked, he noticed that the forest was dense and seemed to have no end, even though it seemed alive. It was hard to believe that this place was really just another level of the Mage Tower. How powerful must these mages have been to create something like this?