Skin Mark

"Midgard?! The fantastical land outside the Floors?"

Jeff asked in surprise, then started to laugh out loud, leaving Kaizen confused.

"HAHAHAHA! Don't tell me you thought you were special because you were from Midgard, boy. Half of my men were born on Midgard and then brought here as children to be used as guinea pigs in experiments. Their parents, farmers, sold them as cattle for the wizards of the Citadel and the City of Tears to play God with."

"Um. I don't care about your little story or where you came from. You said you wanted to know more about me and I revealed something, if you are not satisfied with that, you might be surprised to hear that I came here today and on my own."


"I may or may not be lying, just answer me one question: do you even remember what Midgard is like?"