Strange Drink [Bonus chapter]

When Klaus, Andrew and Nathan arrived at the Dagger Dispute Society building, they were stunned. The place was packed. The line to sign up was so long that it wrapped around the entrance.

"I don't think I'm going to sign up anymore." Nathan said, discouraged.

"You're already in the archery department and you've signed up for lots of extra subjects, there's no reason to sign up for a society." Relieved, Andrew justified his withdrawal.

"I agree with you, Andrew." Klaus said quickly after seeing the long line. If he waited in that line, he probably wouldn't have much time to play Rise Online.

"Wait a minute, is that guy second to last in line David?" asked Nathan in shock, and Klaus and Nathan didn't even have to look hard for that guy, because David was a tall boy with long hair and a beard, who easily stood out among so many nerds.