Ancestral Sea Dragon (Part 2)

Even from a distance, Kaizen extended his hand forward and used to "punch" one of the Ancestral Sea Dragon's legs, causing it to lose its balance by combining that with the cut he had made on one of its legs earlier. This caused the creature to fall face down to the ground.

Seizing the opportunity, Kaizen moved forward with even more speed, this time using to double his attributes. He had to finish this now, this was his chance.

The dragon reacted quickly, turning its head to the side and biting the Snowy Limb Sword, knocking it out of Psyker's hand.

Kaizen was startled to see the tip of one of his best swords snap off as if it were nothing. He had hoped to freeze the mythical creature and slow it down, but when he saw that only the hilt and base of the Snowy Limbo remained in his hands, he was furious.