
"What happened?" Jeewok asked, confused, after Kaizen had extinguished the fireball. "Why did you disable your ability?"

Ignoring the young swordsman's question, Kaizen looked at Korgrak and asked:

"How and why is there a human here?"

The leader of the Metal Dragons looked as shocked as Kaizen, who was wide-eyed. They were both sure that no one could have followed them to the entrance of the Secret Garden, and they were also sure that the place was locked until they opened it. Moreover, even if someone had obtained another Peacemaker Orb by killing another Centaur Druid, that still wouldn't explain how there was a person in the dungeon they found after killing hundreds of monsters. If it was a player, that player would either have been very lucky to have avoided all the monsters at the entrance, or too unlucky to have crossed Korgrak and Kaizen's path at the same time.

After Kaizen's question, Korgrak slowly turned her face to him and answered: