The Weight of a Burden (Part 1)

Kaizen watched Gorgath fall to his knees with a mixture of pity and contempt. He had no sympathy for Gorgath, for he was a traitor to his race, but he also couldn't help but feel a little compassion for someone who had lost everything he loved and fought for.

He wondered if Gorgath knew that not only were the humans the winners of the war, but so were all the races that had room to grow on Midgard, such as the Descragons, the Dwarves, and other races.

In a way, Kaizen knew that Gorgath's life would not be easy, even after his release from the Lost Garden. Aside from losing everything he once knew, he was the only legitimate elf on Midgard. He would have to be careful with that responsibility, and Kaizen knew it, for as Gorgath himself said, he was unique. He was a psyker, a being who could see and talk to spirits, copy abilities, and see the signs that no one else on the worlds could see.