The Bet (Part 1)

While Klaus was still in the hallway, he heard Ashley's voice calling him.

"Hey, wait a minute! I need to talk to you!" She said in a serious voice.

Klaus turned to see Ashley approaching him. She looked nervous and determined at the same time. He felt a chill in his stomach and wondered what she wanted to talk to him about. Was she threatening him or did she think he was a stalker?

"What is it? Did something happen?" He asked, trying to sound casual.

Ashley took a deep breath and looked him in the eyes. "Klaus, I have to be honest with you. I liked you, but I'm afraid to get involved with you. I'm afraid you'll be like the other guys who just want to take advantage of me and then leave me. I've already suffered a lot, and I don't want to suffer again. So please tell me the truth. What do you want from me?"