Invisibility Potion

After going over the rewards for killing the King Spider-Scorpion, Kaizen approached Hellround, who was feasting on the monster's remains.

"You could at least show up sometime to help me, right?" Kaizen said.

The black, long-nosed dog looked at Psyker for a moment, as if he didn't understand, and then went back to devouring the monster's thick paws.

"Never mind, I can't blame you. I'm the one who asked you to stop showing up randomly. If you obey me, it's a sign that you've matured. By the way, you could have been in danger if you had shown up at any of the fights in the tournament or when you were exploring the labyrinth."

Again, the dog looked at him, listened to what he was doing, barked in agreement, and disappeared, still wagging its tail happily.

Unconsciously, Kaizen reached into the mouth of the Spider-Scorpions' lair and pulled out a piece of web.

[You have obtained 'Special Spider-Scorpion Web'.]