
"Orkoi, of course!" Klaus exclaimed, surprise mixed with joy in his voice. "I had no idea he was a member of the fencing department, much less that he talked about me. It's nice to know that he thinks so highly of me."

The revelation that Riley, known to Klaus as Orkoi, had praised Klaus to Lucas was comforting, despite the fact that Klaus had abandoned his guild leader waiting in the grand final. At least with Riley being in charge of leading the team in the fencing department it would be easier for Klaus to explain his disappearances.

Lucas noticed the expression on Klaus' face and smiled understandingly. "It seems that fate has a funny way of bringing friends together. I'm sure your participation in the team will be valuable to us, Klaus."

With the invitation accepted, Klaus and Andrew left the fencing department building quickly, except that Andrew obviously didn't forget what he heard inside.