Morgaroth (Part 2)

Arthas and Andrew launched a joint attack against Morgaroth, taking advantage of the gap in his defense. Their swords cut the air in rapid, coordinated movements, seeking to strike the artifact collector.

Surprised by the strategy, Morgaroth found himself temporarily at a disadvantage. He pulled a cleaver from an inner pocket of his jacket and struggled to fend off the combined blows of Arthas and Andrew, but the two warriors kept pressing forward, taking every opportunity to strike.

Meanwhile, the other guards kept Morgaroth surrounded, launching coordinated attacks to distract him and limit his movements. The cohesive formation of the guards demonstrated the experience and discipline of the royal guard.

Morgaroth, however, was no ordinary opponent. He was agile and cunning, managing to deflect and block many of the attacks directed at him. Moreover, he counterattacked with swift and precise movements, testing the guards' endurance and skill.