King's Sword (Part 2)

"Who are you exactly?" Kaizen inquired after promising that this was his last question.

Aelon looked at Kaizen with a serious expression. She knew that one day or another this question would come up, so she wasn't even surprised. She took a deep breath before she began to speak.

"If you must know, Kaizen, then I believe the time has come for me to share my life story." Aelon began. "Many years ago, when the great evil that controlled the Orcs still plagued Midgard, the King of Tretidian knew that one day his close ones would be directly attacked, or at least his home would. And somehow he knew that he had no power to defeat the enemy either, he knew that his time was coming to an end and that it was crucial to protect the future of Midgard. So he made a difficult and brave decision..."

Aelon paused for a moment, gathering his memories and emotions before continuing.