Bad news

Pedro, the old merchant of the village and Astru's father, arrived at the local tavern after a few minutes. He was a bit fat, had a voluminous beard and rather long gray hair. Pedro had a sad expression on his face, which meant that they had already told him about what happened to his son.

Immediately, Kaizen stood up to greet Pedro, feeling the weight of responsibility on his shoulders. He knew he needed to tell his perspective on what happened to Astru, even if it was painful.

"Mr. Pedro, I am sorry for your loss. It was I who found your son in the mountains. He was trying to get through the snowstorm, but unfortunately the horses got spooked by a bear and ran away, and then Astru was attacked by a white wolf while waiting for the storm to pass. I was too late to save him," Kaizen said, his voice heavy with grief.