National Fencing Team Championships (Part 2)

The New York team, led by Riley, moved strategically across the field, maintaining a compact formation to protect each other. They knew that despite being a talented team, they needed to work together and be smart in their tactics to face opponents who possessed renown and experience.

The other five teams also moved nimbly, swords raised and gazes focused on the stadium screens.

Klaus felt the adrenaline coursing through his veins, ready to prove his skills amidst the grand and challenging setting.

Although the field was large and well-designed, it was the size of a soccer field, and for thirty people that wasn't much, so soon Klaus and the others found their first opponents, the team from North Dakota.

The confrontation was started by another tall, blond North Dakota boy named Mikael, who advanced against Riley, and the other fencers in his group sought to surround other opponents as quickly as possible.