Back to the Place of Defeat

Aware of the delicacy of the situation, Klaus pondered every syllable uttered by the staff man, realizing that while a public statement would be useful for the media, issuing a statement now could tie a knot in that ball of string and make it thicker than Klaus wanted. For this reason, before answering, he took a deep breath, allowing the air to fill his lungs before exhaling softly with a faint denial drawing itself into his head movement.

"I appreciate that. However, right now, I feel that issuing a statement would not be appropriate. My goal is to focus all my energies on the imminent final, to invest my best on this stage. I want to eliminate any distractions that could undermine this crucial moment," Klaus said, his voice sincere and full of gratitude.

The staff member nodded in empathetic understanding. "I'm fully aware of your perspective, and we respect your decision. Should you need support in managing the crowd and the press, we are at your disposal."