An experienced advisor

Korgrak slowly approached Kaizen and Salles' table, her impenetrable mask revealing only those piercing white eyes. Soon, she sat down next to Salles and said:

"Kaizen, it's been a long time since we met, hasn't it?" Her voice was calm, but contained a touch of mystery that always surrounded her.

"Indeed, Korgrak. Has much changed since we last met?

Korgrak let out a slight laugh, a sound that was almost inaudible through the mask. "Not much for me, but for you for sure..." She joked and then lifted the mask a little, letting her thin chin and thin lips show.

Then she took the mug from Salles and took a good swig of the beer.

"Hey, that's my drink." Salles said.

Korgrak stopped drinking for a moment and replied:

"I know." she said, smiled and drank again until there was not a drop left in the mug. Then she looked at Kaizen. "So, Kaizen, what brings you to Holinda even in the midst of the turmoil your life must be in? Any mission?"