
Without exchanging a word, Kaizen nodded to Xisrith, thanking her for helping them, and together they began to organize the queue and the service.

When the last customer had finally been served and the crowd had dissipated, Kaizen closed up store and leaned back against the counter, exhausted but with a smile of accomplishment on his face. Alina and Xisrith joined him, and the three shared a moment of silence before Xisrith broke the ice.

"You know, Kaizen, I think you've just become the most famous player in the game, inside and out," said Xisrith.

Kaizen laughed. "I hope that doesn't happen, I don't want to retire from another game under the age of 25."

"I have to confess, Kaizen, you're younger than I thought you'd be. I thought you were the kind of 36-year-old man who still lived in his parents' basement or something, which would explain why you're so good at this game in such a short time."