Spells & Magic

The silence that followed the intense battle against the Boss hung over the room, which was now littered with debris and a lot of mana still dissipating.

Kaizen and Xisrith, panting and a little bruised, looked around, assessing the outcome of the fight. This time, the Timekeeper had definitely been defeated.

Kaizen approached Xisrith, his face showing a smile of relief. "Are you all right?" he asked, concerned about her injuries.

Xisrith nodded, although her breathing was heavy. "I'm fine, Kaizen. It was a tough fight, but we made it. That Timekeeper was really powerful."

"Yes, he was, but look at us, we're a good pair."

"You saved my ass and I just took advantage of the loopholes I found."

"I usually have to guide others to take advantage of the loopholes I open. It's twice as tiring, which is why I like playing solo." Kaizen said.