Travel (Part 3)

As the carriage moved along the winding road towards Mibothen, Alina, Jayaa and Andrew sat inside it, taking advantage of the relative calm of the moment to get to know each other a little better, after all, they were now companions. The gentle rocking of the vehicle created a relaxing atmosphere, contrasting with the hustle and bustle of the pre-departure preparations.

Jayaa looked at Alina curiously and broke the silence. "Alina, you still haven't told us how you met Kaizen and why you decided to join our guild. There must be an interesting story behind it." He said.

Alina smiled and her eyes fixed on the landscape that was passing quickly by the carriage window. "Yes, there is a story... It was some time ago, before I met any of you, of course."

Andrew leaned forward, interested. "We'd be happy to hear the story. After all, we're all together now, and sharing our pasts can bring us even closer together."