
The dark room was filled with the sound of the combatants' heavy breathing.

For his part, Linus was now unarmed, with an expression of surprise and anger mixed on his face. His gaze met Kaizen's, who was glaring at him.

"You're very skilled, Kaizen... I always knew that, but I must admit I underestimated you. I didn't think you had any friends." Linus said, his voice cold but laden with sarcasm. "Anyway, you're making a big mistake. You don't understand the magnitude of what's at stake here."

Andrew, with his intense eyes and pulsating magical power, approached him, his gaze fixed and penetrating. "It looks like you're about to tell us. We'd be delighted to hear it."

Linus let out a cynical laugh, despite the pain in his wounded arm. "Do you understand? That's what I'm talking about. Ah, my dears, you're all so naive. Don't you realize that we're all dancing on the palms of forces far greater than any of us?"