Influence of Determination

In the darkness surrounding the crater of rubble that had become the center of the Royal Capital of Mibothen, Belial, the strongest demon alive, smiled when Bloody Lily finally appeared in his field of vision.

"There you are! Thought you were hiding? HAHAHA! I was smelling your fear the whole time!" He shouted, opening his arms as if it were a gift from heaven and at the perfect moment.

Zylok and Bloody Lily froze at the demon's laughter, because its aura was suffocating. This was one of those unique moments when everything went into slow motion, the result of the extreme oxygenation of their brains because their hearts were beating so frantically.

Zylok could even contain Belial, fight as an equal, but having to protect Bloody Lily, who seemed to be the main piece of Kaizen's plan because she was there and he wasn't, it was almost impossible for them to win. Unfortunately, Bloody Lily was a burden for Zylok now.