
The barrier appeared in front of Kaizen at just the right moment, blocking the dark spears thrown by Azrakthar, but the Sentinel Guild tanks had to stand firm to resist the extreme force of the demon's attack.

Kaizen looked at them in surprise and heard Xisrith exclaim a few meters away:

"That's it, Sentinels, you stood up at the right time!"

The leader of the Sentinels, a player called Draken, grunted in pain as he and the others resisted the demon's force and said to Kaizen:

"We couldn't let our favorite player face this alone. Now, we're officially here and doing everything we can not to be a burden to you."

Not only did the Sentinel Guild players decide to act, but so did everyone else, inspired by Kaizen's courage.

Suddenly, three mages in the rear simultaneously shouted a basic incantation, but it was uttered with such anger and will that the magic as a result was massive.
