Return from Hell

In the blink of an eye, the souls of all those in Mibothen returned from hell. Hundreds of thousands, in fact millions of beams of light descended from the hole in the sky that only Kaizen was able to see. All these lights were the souls and bodies of those people.

The capital of Mibothen, which had previously been almost empty due to the countless casualties in the army that had invaded it to fight the demons, was suddenly filled with a staggering volume of people, both players and NPCs.

There wasn't a street that wasn't packed, and people even appeared on top of the rubble of the destroyed buildings.

And with the return of these millions of people, euphoria gripped the whole of the vast Human Kingdom.

In the streets, even strangers hugged each other, excited to be back, and together they began to celebrate and shout without a second thought. After all, they were back home.