Home sweet home

In a way, being back on the Special Program campus was a relief for Klaus. He had only been away for a week, between traveling, the tournament and the war in Rise Online, but that was enough to make him miss the place.

Although for some people it might have seemed like a boarding school, because you needed permission to leave the campus, which wasn't normal even at a high school, for Klaus it was like a sanctuary. He had everything he needed in this place and there was nothing to complain about. What's more, the campus area was so vast that even though Klaus had been there for two months, he had never seen it all.

That way, Klaus and the others had no problem with crowds as they made their way to the Archery Department.

When they finally arrived at the department building, a large hangar on the edge of the large campus lake, and entered, they saw that two other colleagues were already practicing. They were Carrie S. Puma and Lara Cavalcanti.