The Search for Týr (Part 2)

The dusty room of that section on the gods fell silent for a moment after Vorian's decision. The weight of the challenge they had accepted hung in the air as Kaizen, Alina, Jayaa and Vorian looked at the shelf full of books containing the secrets of the gods. The dusty covers seemed to whisper promises, and the scent of ancient knowledge mingled in the air.

Kaizen moved towards the shelf, his eyes scanning the titles of the books marked on their spines. Each spine was a portal to mythology and divine power, but finding the right book among the thousands there was like looking for a needle in a gigantic haystack. He ran his fingers through the tomes with reverence, feeling the energy that radiated from them.

"Let's begin," said Kaizen, determined. "Each of us will choose a shelf and start searching. If we find something promising, we'll share it with the others. We can't afford to waste time."