Frozen Prison

Kaizen seemed determined to find out what exactly had happened for them to be in that place. However, in order to do this he first needed to find one of the NPCs, namely Alina or Og'tharoz, only then would he and Andrew get answers.

Kaizen looked at the cage around him and, despite his initial confusion, he remained calm and focused on finding a solution to this unexpected situation.

The prison they were in had thick bars, and the walls looked cavernous, which indicated that they were underground, but the walls weren't normal either, as they seemed to be covered in a thin layer of ice. Kaizen placed one of his hands on the wall to his right and said to Andrew:

"Niflheim is a cold place, but it's unusual for the inside of a place to be so cold as to keep the ice in a solid state all the time. So either we're very far below the surface or..."