
Kaizen felt the atmosphere around him change as Týr spoke, as if the very air was charged with an ancient and powerful energy. He didn't back down, standing firm before the imposing god, determined to clarify his mission.

"Prophecies? What are you talking about?" Kaizen asked, curiosity evident in his voice.

Týr looked deeply into Kaizen's eyes, as if searching for something hidden in his soul. The perplexity on his face slowly gave way to an expression of seriousness and concern.

"The prophecies say that a powerful warrior, known as the Psyker, will come to me to summon me to war," Týr explained, his voice resonating with an ancient weight. "A war to conquer Asgard and bring chaos to the kingdoms, thus initiating Ragnarok. I felt your presence when you defeated Nesferati, a feat that only the Psyker could accomplish. I thought you were that warrior."