Helping Hand

The eclectic and frenetic sounds of the central square of the Tretidian capital gradually subsided as Kaizen and his group made their way through the city's cobbled streets. 

The architecture of the buildings, with their slender towers and glazed windows, reassured their hearts. 

The flags of the kingdom fluttered gently in the wind, while the population, initially flustered by the sudden appearance of the group, resumed their daily activities, but not without casting curious and reverent glances at the flying group.

"It's good to be back," said Kaizen, breaking the silence that had settled between them.

"I was hoping for a bit more tranquillity," commented Andrew, laughing. "I didn't imagine our arrival would be so... impactful."

Kaizen smiled. "The players here have a good sense of recognition. Let's go to my store. There we can rest and plan our next steps calmly."

After a few streets and corners, they arrived at the Raven Feather store.