New life

Michael 1988

"Here," Chip hands me an envelope full of money. "A little extra."

"Thanks," I grin, pocketing the money without counting it. "You didn't have to."

"I reward my people who work hard, and no one works harder than you, Mike," Chip smirks at me. "We'll be heading out next week."

"I'll be here," I promise. "You think your alpha would mind if I stayed in the territory again?"

"Alpha Eddie told you you're always welcome here," Chip reminds me. "You don't need to ask."

"Yeah, I know, but I feel better about it if I do," I sigh. "I know I'm a rogue."

"Only because you refuse to accept the alpha's offer," Chip points out. "You'd be a great asset to this pack."

"It's not that I haven't thought about it," I confess. "But-."

"I know, I know," Chip nods solemnly. "It's not easy to start a new life when you've been cast out like you have."

"No, it isn't." 

"Well, take it under consideration. Alpha Eddie likes you, and he doesn't like many people," Chip gets up from his desk. "You could call New England home. A new family."

It was tempting.

Alpha Eddie took me in a year and a half ago. Goddess, I hardly remembered the kid I'd been when his warriors found me scrounging for food in the woods. 

Being a rogue wasn't easy. You weren't welcome in many places. The further from your own territory you got, the harder it was to pinpoint territorial lines. 

Sometimes you got lucky, and a pack saw that you were just some kid passing through. I'd get a hot meal and a place to sleep for the night, but that wasn't always the case.

Those first few months were the hardest. I felt like I was out of my mind. I kept hoping to hear someone talk in my head, but I was alone except for Luthando, and he was as lonely as I was.

I only stayed in Louisiana a month after my father kicked me out. After that, there wasn't anywhere I could go in the state that didn't remind me of the pack, and I couldn't stand the fact my family kept coming to find me.

I only accepted Angie's help once, and it was right before I left. She brought me money, the personal documents I'd need for the human world, and some clothes. She tried to tell me to come home, that dad regretted what he'd done, but I couldn't do that.

My pride had nothing to do with it. If my dad was sorry, it needed to come from him. If I returned to the pack territory, they'd kill me on sight, just like he'd ordered, and I'd have no one to blame for it but myself.

I drifted from place to place for the first half of my exile. Finding work where I could and moved on before I settled down. I could've found my home with the humans, but that was hard when I had no high school diploma or college education.

It didn't help that my accent was clearly Louisiana. People heard it and made assumptions about me. 

Alpha Eddie hadn't done that. I'd always be grateful for the chance he gave me.

The New England area had many packs. Made sense with how much forest there was to enjoy. Alpha Eddie's pack called Newport home, and I was starting to think of it as mine too.

"Anyway, I'll see you next week," I stood up. "Say hello to Amy for me."

"I will," He nods. "Think about what I said, Mike. It's worth thinking about."

"I will," I assured him and left his office.

Chip gave me a job after the alpha introduced us. I was afraid Eddie would have me killed, and that Chip was the executioner. But instead, I found out he owned some fishing boats and was always looking for people to work them.

I'd lived near the water my whole life. I'd gone on fishing trips with my pack, but it was different to work for it. Still, I learned quickly, and Chip paid everyone well.

Newport was the kind of city you always wanted to visit, and it was worth the trip. Especially winter. Goddess, I never thought I'd enjoy the snow as much as I did. 

Maybe it was time to let go of the past and accept that I'd made a new life for myself. I was twenty, I wasn't a kid anymore, and the truth was, I missed being part of a pack.

I could serve under alpha Eddie as one of his warriors. But, of course, no one would ever ask me to be alpha.

Eddie had four sons and three daughters. So he had more than enough heirs to take over for him when he was ready to step down.

I loved it here, but something always held me back. I couldn't explain it. This place had everything I could want, but I couldn't claim it as my home. The spark inside me that I'd felt when I'd faced hurricane Elena was still stirring.

It made no sense to anyone but me. Maybe I was making excuses for myself, afraid to settle for a life I didn't think I was meant for, but I felt I was supposed to do something.

Sadly, I had no fucking idea what that was.

Getting in my car, I drive through the city and wonder if I should stop and get food before heading to the packhouse. I never understood why Eddie was kind enough to let me stay there, but I wasn't going to look a gift horse in the mouth. 

I had a nice nest egg. I didn't have rent or bills to pay, and Chip always threw me an extra couple of bucks when I agreed to work longer trips.

The packhouse looked like a mansion, a common theme in the area, so it didn't look out of place. 

"Mike, the alpha's looking for you," One of the teens came running when I parked the car. 

"Yeah?" I scowled. Had I done something? 

It was rare for a rogue to have access to a pack like I did, not for this long. Usually, you'd have to ask to be a part of it or leave, but I hadn't needed to make that choice yet. 

Maybe this time was different.

"Is he in his office?" I start walking to the front door. 


"Michael," Luna Rita greets me with a smile. "Eddie's looking for you."

"Yeah, I was heading that way," I bow my head in respect. I might not be part of this pack, but I couldn't get all the lessons my mother and Angie drilled in my head to go away.

Rita took my hat off and brushed my hair with a comb out of her pocket. That might sound weird, but she did it to all the guys. 

I guessed when you had as many sons as she did, it was a forced habit.

"Fix your jacket," She orders lightly. "Always look your best when in front of an alpha."

With an awkward laugh, I make sure my clothes look presentable. Of course, many of the guys didn't appreciate this, but I secretly liked it. 

Having someone care about you and treat you like a pup might be embarrassing until you don't have it anymore. 

"Thanks," I smirk before heading up the stairs to the first floor. Rita follows me, and I'm about to ask why when I smell it.

Something I haven't known for three years. The scent of someone I thought I'd never see again.

Stopping in the corridor, I feel my feet encased in cement.

"It's okay," Rita takes my arm. "You'll be alright. You're safe with us, okay?"

I stare at her, and I see the concern she has in her eyes. Rita knew who was here before I entered the door, but she'd kept it quiet in front of everyone else.

"You don't have to do anything you don't want," She promises. "I'll be with you for as long as you need me."

Swallowing back the sharp ache in my throat, I nod my head. 

"I'm okay, Luna," I try to sound like it doesn't phase me, but like I said, Rita had four sons. She knows a bullshit story when she sees one.

With Rita holding my arm, we walk to the double wood doors of Eddie's office, and I knock loudly.

"Come in, Michael," He calls, and I do as he commands.

Alpha Eddie's office was grand, with expensive furniture, all antiques, plush carpets in a rich wine red, comfortable armchairs, and an impressive fireplace with pictures of the pack.

Eddie was in his chair, staring at me as I walked in. his beta Larry and gamma Bruce were standing on either side of him. Eddie's oldest son, Jr, was sitting on the couch on the far wall, nodding at me in greeting. 

And sitting across from Eddie in one of the armchairs, looking at me with his usual unreadable eyes, was my father.