Chapter 23: Descent

I leaned into their embrace and ran a hand over their hair. “Do you want to talk about it?” I asked quietly.

They were silent for a moment, then replied, “I wouldn’t even know what to say. It just doesn’t seem real yet, you know?” I ran my fingers through their hair, listening to them speak. “There’s no way Sergio would do something like this. He was always hassling me about unnecessary risks. He has a kid on the way.” Their face dropped, and they raised a hand to rub their temple. “F*ck, I still need to call his wife.”

Even though they’d just lost their father, they were still more concerned about others which was a welcome surprise. “Is there anything I can do to help?” I asked quietly.

They gave my waist a tiny squeeze and shook their head no. “I really wanted to keep you away from all of the messy bits of the business, but tonight it couldn’t be avoided. Are you doing okay?” They tilted their gaze upward in my direction, eyes full of worry.