Chapter 5: Destined Mate

Brenna POV

Before I could even give Viv an answer, the door was opened, and she was practically pushing me inside.

When I saw him, I felt my heart skip a beat in a way it only had when I watched my romance dramas.

Seated behind a mahogany desk was a man in a dark suit with a burgundy tie matching the decorations in the lobby of the hotel.

He was probably older than me, but only by a few years, at the most in his early thirties. He had long wavy dark hair, that reminded me of a wolf cut with longer front bangs. Even though it could be described as shaggy by some, it was still tidy and professional.

“Thanks for coming back so quickly Viv,” he said as he lifted his head to reveal dark eyes along with a scar sitting horizontally below his left eye.

“Thanks for turning the cards back on, Kieran.” Viv laughed and gestured to me. “I’d like you to meet Brenna Mora. She accepted the overnight front desk position we’ve been trying to fill.”

He turned to look at me for the first time since I came into the office. His expression didn’t change, but maybe he was just careful in how he maintained his appearance around employees.

“It’s nice to meet you, I’m Kieran Varick,” he said with a cool tone. He seemed so composed and professional, I immediately felt nervous just as I did before Viv opened the door.

He stood up and reached his hand out to me. I took a deep breath as my hand reached his, and as our skin touched, it was as if an electric current had run through my fingers.

Maybe it was my exhaustion playing tricks on me or just a really bad case of static electricity. Either way, I jumped in reaction to the sensation.

Kieran and I both pulled our hands back quickly. He looked immediately down at his as he opened and closed his hand in response.

It felt like my heart was going to jump right out of my chest. Was this just nerves? It had to be. Why else would I feel this way?

“Have a seat,” Kieran said as he gave his head a slight shake and sat down across from me.

Viv and I both sat across. As my hands were trembling, I was thankful for the desk. I had been so confident after the ‘interview’, but I had the feeling something was off. I just couldn’t put my finger on what, though.

“Have you worked in a hotel before?” His tone didn’t change. He kept his eyes focused on the wall behind me.

Maybe he didn’t want me here?

“No, I haven’t, but it was always my goal to work in the hospitality industry.” I tried to keep my voice from trembling as I spoke.

“So, you have no experience?

“I don’t, but—”

“Then what qualifies you to be here?” Kieran sighed. “I ask because Varick Manor needs a dedicated employee that can take care of our guests and residents. Most that work here have either education or life experience that helped them earn their positions.”

Kieran Varick leaned forward. His eyes finally met mine.

“My apologies for you coming out here, but I don’t believe you’re the right fit for our establishment.”

I heard the world shatter around me. Everything that had happened today had meant nothing. Leaving my home with practically nothing, all the steps I had taken to get away from Scott, the interview, all of it had been a waste.

I wasn’t wanted.

It felt as if the air had been sucked from my lungs as I jumped up. Maybe I could reason with him. There had to be a way to stay. I wasn’t going to give up, not yet.

If Kieran Varick had to drag me outside to get me to leave, so be it. I had to try.


Kieran POV

There have only been a handful of times I have seen sheer panic on someone’s face. Of those times, it only came when someone was in an impossible and desperate situation. It’s the same face I saw my mother make so many years ago.

As Brenna begged and pleaded for her job, it wasn’t her words that struck me. It was the panic that had invaded her features.

Her eyes were wide and fearful as if she was a deer being hunted by a predator. Her voice cracked as her entire body began to quake.

She was running from something, just as so many of our hotel residents had done in their lives before finding refuge here. I wasn’t sure what game Viv was playing, or even how she found this girl, but none of that mattered. If she needed somewhere safe, I wouldn’t turn her away.

Just as I was about to speak, I saw Brenna clasp her hands together as she begged. Her sleeve slid down, and there was a hand-shaped bruise on her forearm. Someone must have grabbed her.

The formation was recent, judging by the deep red color that had subtle shades of purple and blue that would surely worsen over the coming days. Even over her tawny complexion, there was no mistaking the signs of abuse on her person.

I reached over the table and grasped her quivering hands as gently as possible. As soon as we touched, I felt a wave wash over me. It was one of familiarity, but why, I couldn’t begin to guess.

As I walked out from behind my desk while still holding onto Brenna’s hands, I lowered them and brought her sleeve back down.

“I was mistaken, and I apologize for that. We’d be lucky to have you here at the Manor if you think you are up to the task.”

The frenzy of words stopped, and Brenna’s eyes began to have the sparkle they had when she first walked into my office.

“Really?” There was hesitation in her voice, and who could blame her?

Just a moment ago, I had done my best to push her away. I had hoped this human would put the Manor far behind her as she would go on to live her life in peace, even though there was something about her that made me want to offer her the world.

“Of course. I will show you to your room in a moment. Please wait outside while I discuss some details with my sister.”

I dropped my hands, realizing I still held them after I fixed her sleeve. I didn’t want to make her uncomfortable. This was going to be her home now.

For so long, humans had never been permitted past the exterior walls, but now one would be residing and working alongside our kind. Many would be fearful, but hopefully, with time, they would come to accept her presence.

“Of course. Thank you again. I won’t let you down.” Brenna offered a small smile as she turned and thanked my sister.

As she got to the door, she turned back to give one last smile. I couldn’t put my finger on it, but the smile she gave made my heart beat in such an unnatural manner.

I waited for the door to close before looking at my sister. She was practically bouncing in her chair.

“Who is she?” I did my best to ask casually, but I knew if I looked at my twin, Viv would give me a smirk that would rival our father’s.

Where the hell did Viv even find this person? I needed to hear exactly how they met because all of this just seemed utterly impossible.

Even though I had never seen Brenna before, there was an unmistakable certainty I had met her. That wasn’t possible, yet the sensation remained, making it impossible to ignore.

“Haven’t you realized yet, sweet brother?” Viv questioned back as she went to pat my head.

I tried to brush her hand away, but she still managed to ruffle my hair a bit. I did my best to slick it back, but Viv just laughed.

“Why, isn’t it obvious? She’s your destined mate!”