Chapter 3: Welcome to Varick Manor

Brenna POV

“I got the job?” I was having trouble processing what just happened. That’s not how things were supposed to go, at least, not how I expected them to pan out.

“Of course, why else would I be carrying your bag?” Viv laughed as she nodded toward my stuff at the table.

“What about the other applicants? Wasn’t it a group interview?” I felt bad for the others who were probably banking on at least having a chance for the job.

“I mean, we could wait around and waste everyone’s time more. Either way, I’m going to still pick you.”

“But why? I have no experience, and I’m sure someone is more qualified than me.”

“So, you don’t want the job?” Viv asked with disappointment laced in her words.

“I do!” I didn’t mean to shout, but the words just spilled out.

“Then what’s the problem? You are quick on your feet with solutions, even when it involves people you don’t know. That’s exactly why I’m hiring you. Someone can have years of experience and still not be able to solve a simple problem on their own.”

“That’s why you’re offering it to me?”

“That,” Viv said as she opened the door, “and the coffee is tasty. Go grab your things.”

I wasn’t going to argue with her. Thankful for this turn of events, I raced back and grabbed my suitcase, purse, and piping hot drink before she could change her mind.

Viv waited for me, letting the cold air into the coffee shop as she nodded for me to exit first.

As I walked past her, Viv leaned in closer to me and took a deep breath. It was almost as if she sniffed me. I made sure to put on a body spray right after I got off the bus. I was just hoping I didn’t smell like sweat. It’s not like I had a chance to shower before I dipped out the night before.

Viv was odd, but everything up to this point had already been odd. I didn’t think she was dangerous or anything like that, but I couldn’t shake the feeling that she did sniff me just now. Granted, I hadn’t slept at all on the ten-hour bus ride, so maybe I was just imagining things.

“Which car is yours?” Viv asked looking around the near-empty parking lot.

“I don’t have one.”

“That explains all the stuff. Here, let’s take my car,” Viv pointed at a brand new SUV with a glittery black wrap. Viv would have fit in back home for sure.

Viv opened the front door for me, and put my duffel and suitcase in the back of her car as I got settled in. Her car even had that smell of being fresh out of the dealership.

“Ready?” Viv asked.

I nodded in response. I couldn’t believe things were working out so well. It made me nervous that something would get in the way soon, but that may just be my anxiety trying to get the best of me.

As she turned the car on, Viv’s phone rang. She pushed a button on the dash that turned on the vehicle speakerphone.

“What do you want?”

“So, you’re answering my calls again?” A rough voice asked.

“Depends, are you gonna keep being stupid?” Viv asked with a laugh.

This must be her brother.

“Are you still going on your unnecessary trip?”

“I’ll have you know,” Viv said as she started to back out, “that I called the trip off, so you can turn my cards back on.”

“What made you change your mind?” The voice lightened a bit.

“I didn’t change my mind. I found exactly what I was looking for.”

“What do you—”

“Oh, by the way, you’re on speakerphone. I’m bringing the new employee with me.”

A low grumble filled the car from her brother’s voice. For some reason, it made the baby hairs on the back of my neck stand up.

“You could have mentioned that before.”

“I could have, but I didn’t. Turn my cards on,” and Viv ended the call before her brother could answer. “Sorry about him, he’s not always this grumpy.”

“It’s alright. Do you have any other siblings?” I asked, as Viv turned north onto the coastal highway.

“Just my twin. Which is plenty to be honest. Our Mom wanted more kids, but she was ill after we were born. So, it’s just us two. You?”

“Nope. Just me, but my best friend and her little brother are like family.”

“That’s good. Do you have any other relatives?” Viv asked as she drove skillfully up the twisting highway.

“No. My parents passed after I graduated high school.”

“Our parents passed a while ago too. See, I knew we were meant to be friends. We get each other,” Viv said as she turned onto a street that was tucked between the trees on the right side of the highway.

“It’s crazy how close to the ocean we are,” I shifted the subject as best I could. I didn’t want to think about the past right now. Not when we were heading toward my new future.

“On good days the breeze brings in the ocean smell. It’s thicker in the winter, but it keeps the hotel and surrounding woods cool even on the hottest days.”

“Do a lot of guests get lost coming out here? It’s like this hotel is hidden from the world.”

“That’s sort of the point. See that?” Viv pointed and I looked ahead to see a large stone wall with a double-wide rod iron gate. There was even a guard stationed at the entrance.

Viv opened the window and waved as the guard quickly pushed a few buttons as the gate opened up for us.

“This is for the hotel?” I asked awe-struck.

“Yup. All of this belongs to Varick Manor.”

“Can I ask why it’s called Varick Manor? It sounds so formal for being here in Cali.”

“That was all my Mom. She used to watch a lot of period dramas and read classic European literature. When she and our Dad bought the hotel and property, it had originally been an abandoned hospital.”

As we drove up the road the sky grew dark once again, but when I looked out the window I realized it was from the thick forest that we found ourselves in.

Thick trees that had to have been hundreds of years old blocked out most of the sunlight that had finally been pushing past the morning clouds.

“When it came time to name it, Mom wanted to have a hotel with some prestige behind it, so they went with Varick Manor. Now it’s a globally recognized hotel. We even have guests that live at the hotel permanently. My brother and I plan on building more additions in the future.”

We stayed on the forested road for a few more minutes, before I could see a large building appear in the distance. The closer we got to it, the more impressive the structure became.

The hotel must have been at least six stories high and looked incredibly modern for having been built a few decades back. It was ahead of its time, and it was easy to see why people would want to call it home.

The sheer grandeur of the manor made my heart swell with pride. My new home, my new job, and my new life were all wrapped up in the opportunities that Varick Manor would provide me.

“You like it?” Viv asked as she parked her car near the front entrance. A valet and bellhop came to her side of the car quickly as she instructed them where to put the car and my bags.

“It’s gorgeous,” I said as I got out.

That’s when I felt it. It was born of pure instinct, and I quickly looked around. It was as if someone was watching me. I knew the feeling all too well, but this wasn’t like when Scott would watch me, this was different.

I turned to see a figure standing in one of the windows. I couldn’t make out who they were, but they were watching me.

I took a step closer to get a better look at who it was, but the shadowy figure retreated away from the glass. Even after they backed away from the window, I had the feeling I was still being watched, or more like studied by whoever it was.