Chapter 10: Breakfast for Two

Brenna POV

After Kieran left suddenly, I wasn’t sure what to do. Seeing as there was only an hour left, I figured I’d just wait until the morning shift arrived before heading off.

Since there were no check-ins, I was able to go over the map of the hotel and get to learn all the different areas. It was no wonder I had gotten lost in the hallways; the place was like a labyrinth. It would take some practice getting used to the layout.

At least I had the map to focus on. It was the only way I could distract myself from what had just happened. I wish Kieran had stayed so we could talk about it.

It’s not like I thought Kieran might have an idea of what was going on, but I at least wanted to know if he had the same thing happen to him. Judging by how he dipped out earlier, maybe he did and was just freaked out like I was.

He seemed like a quiet guy overall. The more time I spent with him, the more questions I had.

The morning shift finally arrived and waved bye as I walked toward the banquet hall. She had even been stiff in her movements, but at least she had smiled at me. It was more than I got from most people here at the Manor.

While I got plenty of stares throughout the night during my shift, at least no one had been outwardly rude toward me. That was a relief. I wonder if it was just because I was new like Molly had said. I’d have asked Kieran about it, but he took off earlier than I had expected him to.

The banquet hall had cooks bustling back and forth at the different stations. It seemed everything was cooked to order, which made sense as there wasn’t anyone else getting food right now.

As much as I wanted a hot breakfast, I just wanted to settle my stomach. I eyed the bagel selection but couldn’t find a blueberry. I did spot a strawberry and made sure to grab a cinnamon raisin bagel that was spaced a little further away.

I thought about sitting inside, but I needed to clear my head. Maybe some fresh air would help, so I headed towards the entrance door.

The sun was just starting to creep up into the sky, which had turned into swirls of pink and purple even through the cloud cover. The breeze smelled salty from being so close to the sea.

The path Viv and I had taken the day before seemed like a good choice for a quick walk.

Eventually, I would have to take time and explore the woods around here, but not today while I was wearing my works shoes.

There were a few gardeners tending to the flower beds near the fountain. I thought about eating on one of the benches but decided to keep walking for now.

I couldn’t believe the amount of space around the hotel. It was as if the forest had been designed with the hotel in mind. It was like a hidden treasure just waiting to be discovered by those who looked hard enough.

When I rounded the corner, I was by the pool area. I could see the windows to my new room, still closed off from when I drew the heavy curtains. It would be nice to have a dark room while I tried to rest later.

I thought about sitting in one of the lounge chairs or a cabana, but with how wiped I was, I could see myself falling asleep without meaning to.

It was easy to see what Viv meant by the guests being night owls. Most had trickled back to their rooms around three in the morning, leaving the grounds open just for me right now.

I could get used to this walk after my shift. It was a good way to decompress before going back up into my room.

It’s not like I had any books or video games with me. I’d have to buy a few whenever Viv decided to go with me into town. The option of exploring my hobbies left me giddy. Things were looking up already and I was ready to enjoy my free time doing things I loved.

The dew from the grass was getting my socks wet along with the cuff of my pants, but I didn’t mind it. Being out in the fresh air was a privilege I hadn’t been afforded in years, so I planned on taking full advantage of it.

Pulling out my phone, I checked the screen but had no new messages. I was pretty sure Kat was getting ready for work. I’d have to bug her a little later.

I had been so distracted, I had almost walked right past the gazebo. The purple against the fresh white paint blended together in the morning light.

Craning my neck, I did my best to get a better look. It didn’t look occupied, so I decided that would be a nice place to eat before getting back to my room.

The grass crunched softly beneath my shoes until I found a short cobblestone path that led to the gazebo stairs creaked gently beneath my feet. The bench with a weather-treated cushion wound around the entire base.

I took a seat and put my bag from earlier next to me, pulling the bagel out and adding cream cheese to it.

The birds whistled in the distance and the breeze would bring the salty sea air every so often. Is this what it was like to be at peace? I could see myself doing this every morning if I was given the chance.

A loud snap came from my right somewhere in the woods. I peered over the railing of the gazebo but didn’t see anything.

“Probably just a squirrel,” I said to myself before taking another bite.

Just as I swallowed there was another snap, only it was closer.

I perked up, much like a meerkat would, and swiveled my head back and forth, looking for any movement. Still, even after focusing for a few minutes and slowly scanning the tree line, there was nothing.

Just as I finished the first half of my bagel, the sound of footsteps was coming from behind me. I spun around, but still nothing.

As I sat back down, I knew I was being watched by something. I wasn’t sure what kind of animals lived in these woods, but I wasn’t going to stick around if one was trying to creep up on me like this.

When I looked at my only exit, I realized it was too late as a large four-legged creature made its way quietly up the cobblestone path. A faint clack sounded as its nails dragged against the stones.

It wasn’t the one I had seen before, but this animal was even larger than that one. Its pitch-black coat sucked in the light around it. Deep eyes locked on me with each step it took. The wolf must have been stalking me since before I even heard the twig snap in the distance.

I instinctively tried to back up but crashed against the gazebo wall. There was only one exit. I was trapped.