Chapter 13: Confide

Brenna POV

I felt like absolute trash after helping those guests. Sebastian seemed awesome, but Amanda seemed like she was looking for a fight.

That might have flown in my younger years, but I had outgrown that life in middle school.

At least, I realized that earlier on than some did. Some people never learned that lesson. The bulk of my friends from school were far from friendly, and eventually, I just stuck to Kat for the rest of my early education life.

If it hadn’t been for Kat, I’d be a mess at this point in life. Even more so than having to start over when all the other people my age were seeing their hard work pay off.

I didn’t want to have regrets about the past, but I couldn’t help but kick myself at all the wasted time I spent worrying about Scott and his dreams instead of pushing mine off to the side untouched for nearly a decade.